Sunday, October 17, 2010

My personal blog

Hello everyone,
I've never really been into blogging as I'm not an "open book" all the time BUT I think I will use this as a creative writing tool!  I love to write and express my feelings and opinions!.  It will be random, and sometimes I may tell you what happened in my week, sometimes it will be something I learned or what's on my heart that day, you just never know with this isn't a blog about something specific, just about my thoughts! Maybe that's what most blogs are, don't know....just getting into the blogging thing!
Also, since I've made some lifestyle changes and am trying to learn more about living healthy, I will post some one my findings here.
See, reading my blog is good for you!
 You can expect to see a lot of what I hear on Dr. oz on here, LOVE HIM! 

For those of you that don't know, I am 35, a christian, married to the sweetest, most adorable man on the planet, Mitch (almost 2 years now) I try to make a diffrence in the word working with kids. Right now, I am a nanny to two precious little girls. I also nanny for a family I have known over 5 years, they are part of my family and I am blessed to be a part of theirs! They keep my days busy!! Oh and I am a photograph FANATIC!!  Pictures of friends, myself, the sky, ANYTHING!!

 I am a HUGH animal lover and can't watch animal cops without crying!!! I have my own "baby", the spoiled Pekingese - can except to hear a lot about him! He's an angel, most of the time! We live with my husbands grandfather and help take care of him. My husband is a pharmacy tech and computer-gamer, big time! When I'm not at work, I love to be with my friends and family, go to the park, write ( I am writing a series of children's books) and building my business:
 Gorgeous-Glamour Makeup Artistry.
 I also have "Sparkle parties" for little girls!

My life is interesting, sometimes crazy and fun! Jesus is my top priority along with my husband, and the love of my life, my twin Kellie...oh I cant forget her "baby" the spoiled Maltese - Tiger.

I love to help people and think we should all use the trials in our life's to serve Jesus ministering to others...what good is going through a problem and learning if you don't help others?!?!
 I have GREAT friends and look forward to meeting more!
 Hope my blog is interesting to you and hope I can help you, if even some small way.

- Kerrie D. Barker

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