Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A little healthy info on Vitamins and which ones to take....

   I have spent a lot of time researching and learning what vitamins I should and shouldn't take. There are soo many out there, You could spend your whole day taking pills! This is the advice I follow and have learned, mostly from Dr Oz...who I adore!
Read the blog and let me know what you think.
    * Prenatal: Because I am trying to get pregnant! But ladies, you can take it even if you are not. It is a GREAT multi-vitamin and it sure does help your hair and nails grow! Guys, there are plenty of good multivitamins for you to take as well, it is very important!

   * Vitamin D. From my understanding, this is one of the number one things you can do to help prevent certain types of cancers!

Dr oz recommends "
For all ages, Dr. Oz recommends a daily dose of 400 IU (and perhaps even as high as 1000 IU)."

 * Your doctor can test you to check your levels, I HIGHLY recommend this next time you get blood work.
(they may automatically do it).


   * Vitamin C   We all know the benefits of Vitamin C. Here is some info I found on Dr Oz's site:

"In addition to its role in collagen manufacture, vitamin C is also critical to immune function, the manufacture of certain nerve transmitting substances and hormones, and the absorption and utilization of other nutritional factors. Vitamin C is also a very important nutritional antioxidant." Dr Michael T Murry-found on Dr oz web site.

Also, check out this link for more information on what vitamin c can do you for:


   * Fish oil Omega 3 is sooo good for you. I take two to three pills a day. Your doctor can tell you what's right for you. They have them in chewable also! There are different types of Omegas, this is the one I chose to take for now. I know it is soo good for your heart, helps keep your cholesterol in check AND Ive heard from several people that while your losing weight, it helps keep your skin tight...not sure if that's true, but it couldn't hurt! Since my dad had heart disease, I want to try and strength my heart (exercise!) and do everything I can to reduce my chances of getting it as well.

  * Also, I do recommend taking other supplements to help try and fight off certain diseases..such as Mitch takes Lutein which promotes eye health. His grandfather has macular degeneration and since Mitch will have a greater chance of getting it, we've added this to his regimen as well. It's so hard to find time to research, but worth it.

I hope mine has helped you along your way.
  * This is all my opinion, please consult your doctor/nutritionist as  I am not certified/license/trained in any way. They can also tell you how much is too much, as taking too many pills can lead to problems also.

I do believe it is best to get the majority of your nutrients through food but that's not always possible. Load up on fruits and vegetables and you can't go wrong!! Don't forget to exercise, even if you don't need to lose weight to strengthen your heart and keep that flexibility as time marches on...

I love healthy tips so send any you have to my email at kerriedbarker@gmail.com

Monday, October 10, 2011

Defending your faith...

1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"

Have you ever thought about why you believe what you believe? Is it because you were taught it growing up? Maybe you just KNOW it's true, but couldn't prove it if asked too. This is the topic of our lifegroup. We've always find it fascinating the truths that prove Jesus exsisted and the findings that prove the Bible isn't just parables.
  I (Kerrie) believed a group of ideas (I am speaking of different belief's of the Chrstian life), partly because I "knew" them to be true and somewhat because it's what I was taught. In my adult life, I have tried to research why I have these beliefs and if those beliefs would change or stay the same. I've never researched too much how to prove I believe Jesus is who He says he is, because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is the truth. I would however like to be able to tell someone facts I have to back this up, and therefore this lifegroup is very interesting to me. I wish this was a blog with those facts for you to cling to, but unfortunately it's just a blog to get you thinking..to motivate you to do your own research so that you will be ready to defend your faith if the need arise.
  As Mitch would say, No one's ever proved theirs not a God (although I have seen web sites that try to prove our God doesn't exist, I don't even have to really research it to believe their wrong, although it would be interesting to read it and hear other peoples points of views) and look how complex everything is, that just doesn't happen. Someones controlling all of this. It seems more logical to us that theirs a God then just "poof" it all appeared and If we weren't christian, Mitch and I still think believing in a god makes more sense then believing everything just happened. We spend so much time on other aspects of our lives, social networks, friends, work etc, let's spend some time getting prepared to defend our faith. We are interested to hear your feedback on this subject, so send us a email or leave us a comment. This is probably a journey that will take a lifetime, but it means more time in the Word and with our Lord, so we are more than willing to continue along...

A link to info about our lifegroup bible study:
I don't know anything about this man except hearing him the last few weeks thru our study, I will be checking him out and I encourage you too as well.

The following links are some info I found thru google. I haven't read or checked it all out so please, do so for yourself:





Know Why You Believe by Paul Little

Mitch and I look forward to hearing from you!
-Mitch & Kerrie Barker

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Barker's

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a good summer, almost over isn't it. YEAH! I am ready for some fall weather myself. Just thought I would update you guys on what's going on with Mitch and I.

Myself- I am still trying to keep a healthy lifestyle and lose weight..apparently is a very slow process BUT now that I've really started losing, I feel encouraged to press on. I've lost almost 25ish. Sure is easier to put it on, isn't it! I started with changing my eating habits and walking, and Wii fit and now have moved up to Zumba and am trying to do cardio 3 x a week, at least! My sister Kellie is a great inspiration to me as well as some friends of ours ( Tim and Stacie Taggert ) They are exercise machines! Zumba is a lot of fun and the time does pass pretty quickly, unfortunately I have learned I am extremely uncoordinated! I am about to join weight watchers..just for a few months or so to learn some new things and then I think I'll move on. From what I know it is basically like calorie counting and I had been doing that. It's kind of a pain to keep up with but it's amazing how much you learn from doing it. I am also working really hard on getting my business Gorgeous-Glamour to grow. It's been a slow process and is very hard when you work full time (and a part time job) but I hope it will happen and will grow so much, that it one day becomes my only job. I've also stopped working on my children's books, but hope to get back to that soon.

Mitch had been in physical therapy for his "Famila Spastic Paralysis" and is taking a break from it for now...but we are continuing at home (we need to do better!) He has weights that he uses and we do stretches at home. The swimming pool has been a big help too....wish we could get an indoor one!!! That would be awesome!! He is about to start helping with the media team at church and is looking forward to it! I think it will be good for him and am excited to see him get involved in something new.

We love our new church and are trying to get plugged in serving!
As far as a baby, well....it's been a struggle. We try, then we stop trying, then we try, then we stop. ONLY because doctor's advice. It's hard with my diabetes..as it is under control and has been most of the time I have had it, the doctor we are seeing wants it at a normal range (instead of the almost normal range it is now) because it's harder to control while pregnant. I feel I'm getting too old to try anymore, but then I see women my age having kids, and I don't think that about them....I guess we shall see what happens. We definitely still plan on adopting as well, maybe sooner then I had planned!

Mitch is still with CVS and trying to take some courses on computers so he can take the Microsoft language classes (don't know exactly what there called) and I am still with my little Meryn.

Now Sampson, he is a mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has been having some aggressive behaviors (more than normal) and we had taken him to this vet. Same office we normally go to but unfortunately different doctor. He said he thinks Sampson is aggressive because of a brain tumor...uhhmm He didn't even touch Sampson, no x rays, barely looked at him. So, while I'm freaking out, holding my little baby for dear life, I am thinking "you haven't even checked him out". In any case, we fully believe it is behavior and not a tumor. Samps has been in "Mommies boot camp". He has done VERY well the last week or so. I am very pleased and have hope he is going to be OK. I couldn't live without coming home to my Sampson and his smothering me with love!

That's it on us for now........ :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Blog and new Devotional!

    Welcome to my personal blog! I will share what's going on in the world of Kerrie, my thoughts and feelings on different subjects, and I will also be adding a new feature that I am very excited about...short devotionals. My husband, Mitch will be helping me and I am very happy about this. We will add them in as we are lead..Hope you enjoy them and our prayer is that in some way they bring you closer to Jesus...

Staying close to Jesus, in a busy busy world....  

  24 hours in a day, right....when we need about 50! So much to do, so little time. Work, kids, shopping, school, exercising, socializing busy busy busy!!!! So, how do you keep close to the one "person" who means the most, JESUS. While your busy keeping close to everyone else you love, Hes longing to be closer to you. This is sometimes a difficult task..although it really shouldn't be. We certainly go out of our way to spend time with others we care about. Below are two ways we spend time with God and some of our thoughts on each subject.

   Prayer- You can pray anywhere-anytime! It is so simple, yet we "forget" or get too busy. You can pray while your getting ready in the morning, driving to work, on your break times or even when your boss is making you mad, ESPECIALLY then! To us, prayer is like talking to a friend, your BEST friend (Do you realize JESUS is the ONE thing that can never be taken away from you!) He already knows what your thinking but He wants that communication time with you. Don't forget, He wants to talk to you as well..so make sure you listen to Him. It really is a amazing experience when He speaks directly to you! Also, remember to add praise when your talking to Him. He deserves it and loves to hear it from his children. I will admit, sometimes when I go to bed at night, I feel the "oh time to pray" feeling..but theirs no specific time and no time requirements..its continual communication with our Lord! Honestly, I wouldn't survive some days without it!!! Jesus is ALWAYS there, waiting for even a few words from you..or a thank you from time to time for ALL He has done for us! Talk to Jesus, He will lead you in the direction you need to go.

   Studying the word- It is so important to reflect on the words He has had written for us. Life's so busy though, who always has 30 minutes in the morning to read a chapter and study etc?? (Although I bet we could find 30 minutes to sleep longer or watch TV!.)  However, I don't think He's up there counting the minutes you spend with Him, I think He's rejoicing for every SECOND He does get with you. Theirs no race or competition to read the whole bible within a certain time frame.. I encourage you to go at your own pace. Take a few minutes out of each day, read a verse or two (I actually think this is better then reading whole chapters all the time, because your actually studying and focusing on them ) There are many times that I read over and over the same verses that I've read before. It is good to do this because you will remember them when they reflect the circumstances you are currently in. Some things we do to fit the word into our busy day are: Posting bible verses on the mirror so we can study them while we get ready. Or If we're watching something on TV, we try to cut down the time and spend the rest of that time with Jesus....although, we all know how much more we would benefit if we spent that whole time in the word! There are lots of great devotionals online. I like Billy Graham and Joel Olsteen.. You can find some great things on crosswalk.com. So, read the verses below and maybe come up with a new way to spend a few minutes a day with the one who loves you most...He's waiting for that precious time with you.

-Mitch and Kerrie Barker

* 1 Peter 5:7

 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

* 1 Thessalonians 5:16-1817
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus

* Matthew 6:33
 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

* 2 Timothy 3:16
 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,