Monday, October 10, 2011

Defending your faith...

1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"

Have you ever thought about why you believe what you believe? Is it because you were taught it growing up? Maybe you just KNOW it's true, but couldn't prove it if asked too. This is the topic of our lifegroup. We've always find it fascinating the truths that prove Jesus exsisted and the findings that prove the Bible isn't just parables.
  I (Kerrie) believed a group of ideas (I am speaking of different belief's of the Chrstian life), partly because I "knew" them to be true and somewhat because it's what I was taught. In my adult life, I have tried to research why I have these beliefs and if those beliefs would change or stay the same. I've never researched too much how to prove I believe Jesus is who He says he is, because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is the truth. I would however like to be able to tell someone facts I have to back this up, and therefore this lifegroup is very interesting to me. I wish this was a blog with those facts for you to cling to, but unfortunately it's just a blog to get you motivate you to do your own research so that you will be ready to defend your faith if the need arise.
  As Mitch would say, No one's ever proved theirs not a God (although I have seen web sites that try to prove our God doesn't exist, I don't even have to really research it to believe their wrong, although it would be interesting to read it and hear other peoples points of views) and look how complex everything is, that just doesn't happen. Someones controlling all of this. It seems more logical to us that theirs a God then just "poof" it all appeared and If we weren't christian, Mitch and I still think believing in a god makes more sense then believing everything just happened. We spend so much time on other aspects of our lives, social networks, friends, work etc, let's spend some time getting prepared to defend our faith. We are interested to hear your feedback on this subject, so send us a email or leave us a comment. This is probably a journey that will take a lifetime, but it means more time in the Word and with our Lord, so we are more than willing to continue along...

A link to info about our lifegroup bible study:
I don't know anything about this man except hearing him the last few weeks thru our study, I will be checking him out and I encourage you too as well.

The following links are some info I found thru google. I haven't read or checked it all out so please, do so for yourself:

Know Why You Believe by Paul Little

Mitch and I look forward to hearing from you!
-Mitch & Kerrie Barker


  1. I love this!! I hope you will be guest bloggers for Divine Conspiracy sometime!

  2. LYNN!!! I didnt see this comment. How sweet is this! I would love too, anytime!!!
